Saturday, January 31, 2009

Paganini violin concerto no.1

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Alexandra Mak, born in Voronezh in Russia in 1971. She has studied with the most famous Russian violin school of Yankelevich. Alexandra graduated from the Voronezh state Music Academy and obtained her diploma with distinction. She has won the first prize in the all Russian music competition. She has also obtained diploma from international violin competition in Itlay.
After her graduation, she was invited as the concert master of the Voronezh state Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1996, she was appointed as the soloist of the Voronezh State Philharmonic Orchestra. Since than, she has performed regularily as solo violinist in the abonnement concerts of the Voronezh Philharmonic. Alexandra has performed as soloist of the orchestra in concert tour in Europe as well as in Asia.
Alexandra has performed also with famous orchestras in the world, like the Moscow Philharmonic, the Russian Philharmonic, the Sanfansisco orchestra, the Budapest symphony orchestra and also the Martinu Philharmonic orchestra. Alexandra has performed also in solo recital in many famous concert halls in the world, like the Musikverein in Vienna, Carnergie Hall in New York. She became always splendid critics.
In 2007, Alexandra has performed with the Munich Kammerphilharmonie in the most famous Gasteig concert hall in Munich in Germany. The same year, she has performed the Paganini violin concerto with the Cairo symphony orchestra in Egypt. In 2008, she has performed the Mozart violin concerto with the Sibiu Philharmonic In Romania and the Lipetsk symphony orchestra in Austria.
Alexandra has made many outstanding CD recordings with famous orchestras like the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra. She has recorded the Four seasons concerto from Vivaldi. Besides, she has recorded violin concertos from Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikowsky, Mendelssohn and many violin virtousious pieces. Now she is the violin Professor of the Beethoven Conservatory in Vienna.

Newspaper review:

„Alexandra Mak, in den Tradition der Russischen Geigenschule überraschte nicht nur mit ihrem technische anspruchsvollen Vortrag, sondern brachte ihre Geige zum singen. Deren samtener voller Ton unterstrich den Ausdruckscharakter…“
Badener Zeitung Feb. 2004.

"Greifbar wird das innige gegenseitige Verstehen im Ensemble beim Hauptwerk des Abends: Vivaldis..Jahreszeiten". Für den Solopart wurde die russische Geigerin Alexandra Mak vom Beethoven Konservatorium in Wien verpflichtet. Im vierten Monat schwanger, gab die erfahrene, in allen Griffarten und bei jedem Temoo souveräne Virtuosin trotz dem alles. Ihre Interpretation mit jähen Rubati und wuchtigen Bogenstrichen braucht jedoch sensible Begleitung." Süddeutsche Zeitung 26 Jänner 2008.

Alexandra Mak
Tel : 43/660 3131292